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binaural beats sleep brainwave entrainment

Binaural Beats: Ambient Sleep Sounds of Alpha Waves, Isochronic Tones and Brainwave  Entrainment Sleeping Music by Binaural Beats Sleep on Amazon Music -  Amazon.com
Binaural Beats: Ambient Sleep Sounds of Alpha Waves, Isochronic Tones and Brainwave Entrainment Sleeping Music by Binaural Beats Sleep on Amazon Music - Amazon.com
Impact factor 2.673 Silence CiteScore 2.96 More on impact › University of Maryland, College Park, United StatesUniversity of Maryland, College Park, United StatesKorea University, South KoreaMahidol University, Thailand The affiliations of editors and reviewers are the latest provided in their Loop research profiles and may not reflect their situation at the time of review. Original Research ARTICLE Possible Effect of Binaural Beata Combined with the Sensory Meridian Response Autonomous to Induce SleepIt is important to maintain physical and cognitive functions in everyday life. However, the prevalence of sleep disorders is increasing. An existing solution for this problem is to induce sleep using a hearing stimulus. When we listen to acoustic rhythms of two tones in each ear simultaneously, a binaural rhythm is generated that induces brain signals to a specific desired frequency. However, this hearing stimulus is uncomfortable for users to listen to induce sleep. To overcome this difficulty, we can exploit the feelings of calm and relaxation that are induced by the perceptual phenomenon of the autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR). In this study, we propose a new hearing stimulus to induce sleep. Specifically, we use a 6-Hz binaural beat corresponding to the center of theta band (4-8 Hz), which is the frequency in which brain activity is trained during the non-fast eye movement (NREM) in sleep stage 1. In addition, the "ASMR attacks" that cause ASMR were presented from natural sound as sensory stimuli. In session 1, we combine two hearing stimuli (the binaural rhythm of 6 Hz and ASMR triggers) to three degrees to find the optimal combination ratio. As a result, we determine that the combination of a 30:60 dB ratio of binaural beats to the ASMR trigger is more effective to induce the potency of theta and psychological stability. In session 2, the effects of these combined stimuli (CS) were compared to a single binaural coup, only the ASMR trigger, or a shave condition. The combined stimulus retained the advantages of binaural rhythm and solved its deficiencies with ASMR triggers, including psychological self-reportations. Our findings indicate that the proposed hearing stimulus could induce the brain signals required for sleep while keeping the user in a psychologically comfortable state. This technology offers an important opportunity to develop a new method to increase sleep quality. Introduction Sleep has a great impact on our health and is an important factor in determining the quality of life (; ; ; ). However, many researchers have reported that 25% of people feel their quality of sleep is not good (; ). Since insufficient sleep is a common problem leading to important health, social and economic impacts (), various methods have been developed to improve sleep quality (; ). Inducing sleep quickly is a way to improve sleep quality. Previous studies have applied direct transcranial stimulation (), transcranial magnetic stimulation (), and pharmacological approaches (; ) as methods to induce sleep. However, these methods are not practical for real-life users and occasionally have adverse effects (; ). It has been suggested that the application of sensory stimuli, especially a hearing stimulus, provides a superior method to improve sleep quality compared to other means (; ; ; ; ).Electroencefalography (EEG) is a high resolution and low cost tool that can measure very practical brain states (, ; ). Therefore, this tool is widely used to measure brain states changed to improve sleep quality. Brain wave training is the use of an external rhythmic stimulus to generate frequency-dependent EEG responses that match the frequency of stimuli (; ). Synchronized inflection stimuli can induce a dominant EEG frequency that appears during a given cognitive state (; ). A method to produce brain wave training is the use of a hearing stimulus, called a binaural rhythm (). Binaural rhythm is a hearing illusion that is observed when oscillatory stimuli are delivered in two frequencies adjacent to each ear at the same time (). The brain can recognize the frequency difference between the two sounds (). This stimulus trained stable state audit responses in the cerebral cortex at the rate of beat (). Initially, the upper olive complex in the brain trunk receives an audible input separate from each ear. This rhythm is then recognized by neurons in the lower colliculus (). Neuronal activity blocked by phases of the auditory pathways of the brain stem becomes consistent with the frequency tracking response (). Evoked hearing responses produced by binaural rhythm can be recorded using the EEG (). This method has recently been used to induce meditation and has been correlated with reflective processes (). A 3-Hz binaural beat was shown to induce delta activity and increase the duration of the non-therapist eye movement (NREM) in stage 3 (). In addition, a 6-Hz binaural beat produced meditative effects inducing teat activity in the frontal and parietal-central regions (). The binaural rhythm at 15 Hz improved the working memory by inducing beta activity in the brain (). It was also possible to reduce the difficulty of starting and maintaining sleep in patients with chronic insomnia, providing an audiovisual stimulus that gradually decreases from 8 to 1 Hz (). However, it has also been reported that the repetitive and unnatural sound of binaural rhythm could make people uncomfortable (). Some studies even claimed that binaural rhythm could disturb people without inducing the desired mental states (). Exposure to binaural rhythms, which do not take into account the current state of the user, can even cause dizziness, as well as discomfort (). This is probably related to amygdala, a central structure associated with emotional processing. This area is connected to most sensory cortical areas and plays an important role in emotional modulation in the early stages of sensory information processing (). In addition, binaural rhythms seem uncomfortable, in the sense that repeated hearing stimuli cause anxiety and depression (). Therefore, this discomfort could cause some people to be reluctant to use binary rhythms in the context of real life. However, the relationship between binaural beats and subjective emotions is not yet well studied, including the hearing path to binaural beats (; ). It is therefore necessary to continue to investigate the psychological effects related to binaural beats. To solve problems related to the use of binary rhythms, recent research has investigated the possibility of combining it with other sounds, such as piano music (; ). The binaural rhythm combined with music could provide relief for the response to cardiovascular stress seen in members of the military service with post-dischargeable stress (). They also reported feeling less stressed and showed a decrease in heart rate low variability. In addition, the axiolithic effect of beat binaural music was investigated compared to smooth music under general anesthesia (). They also showed a significant reduction in heart rate and a decrease in operational anxiety in patients who heard the binaural rhythm combined with music. These rhythms become more pleasant for users to listen to stimuli if they incorporate natural sounds (). Although combined stimulation is effective for humans to compensate for the deficiencies of binaural shocks, research is needed on the various parameters (e.g. decibel, duration of exposure and frequency) to optimize the combination of the two auditory stimuli (). So far, few groups have applied combined stimuli (CS) in the context of sleep induction. The autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) refers to sensory experiences such as psychological stability or pleasure in response to visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory or cognitive stimuli (). Recently, many studies have reported that ASMR is an efficient way to relax people's minds in academic and social circles (; ). In fact, many people use ASMR to relax their negative moods to lead to sleep, which is accompanied by a sense of calm and rest (). It also correlates with emotional and physiological states (; ). Previous studies have reported that ASMR helps to bring sleep through relaxing mental states and reduce anxiety (; ). However, these results are simple feelings based on subjective questionnaires. According to functional MRI results, ASMR reduces salience and visual networks () but increases activities related to sensation, movement and attention (). In addition, in the EEG, the alpha power decreased in the left front regions by listening to positive music but decreased in the right front regions by listening to negative music, respectively (). In other words, the asymmetry of alpha activity in the prefrontal and frontal regions changes with emotion (; ). However, there is still a lack of objective evidence to support subjective emotions associated with ASMR based on neuroimaging studies. In this study, we propose a new stimulus to induce sleep, where we combine binaural rhythm to train brain waves at 6 Hz with ASMR. We hypothesize that only the power of the tit increased with binaural rhythms and the combined stimulus. We also hoped that the optimal causes of combined stimulus 6 Hz brain waves due to binaural beats and makes a user comfortable and relaxed when using ASMR. Our hypothesis also supported that dynamic natural sound had a higher spontaneous acceptance rate than static noise (). In particular, we point out the change in the middle line in relation to sleep induction. In addition, the change in the power of the tit over the region of the middle line was very relevant, as it was directly related to the transition from awakening to sleep (). There were two experimental sessions. In session 1, three auditory stimuli were presented to find the optimal combination relationship between the binaural rhythm and the ASMR trigger that starts ASMR using natural sounds. In particular, sound intensity levels are important in presenting auditory stimuli. Average hearing thresholds for normal adults are usually 20 dB in each ear (; ). In addition, people feel quiet at sound levels of 30 dB, and 45 dB is recommended as background noise level (). Sound levels between 60 and 80 dB are considered noisy, and sound levels more than 80 dB are harmful (). In this sense, we have determined the combination relationship between the two auditory stimuli. In session 2, we compare the effect of the optimally combined stimulus determined in session 1 with that of a clutch condition (SHAM), binaural strokes only, and ASMR only active. Questionnaires were conducted before and after the stimulation period to explore changes in emotional states that support psychological stability. Our results suggest that combining stimuli could ease the discomfort of binaural rhythm and have an ASMR stabilizing effect to induce sleep. These findings could help induce sleep quickly as a way to improve sleep quality. Materials and Methods This study included 15 healthy subjects (a woman, an average age of 24.9 ± 1.81 years). No subject had a history of neurological disorders or hearing problems. The experiment was carried out following the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. This study was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Korea (KUIRB-2019-0134-01), and informed consent was obtained from all topics before the experiments. Proposed hearing stimuli We use a 6 Hz binaural beat, which corresponds to the center of the band of theta (4-8 Hz) which is the dominant frequency during the sleep stage NREM 1 (). To induce the activity to 6 Hz, a tone of 250 Hz was delivered to the left ear (), and an offset tone of 256 Hz was delivered to the right ear simultaneously using Gnaural software. To compensate for the inconvenience of binaural rhythm, we combine it with natural sounds that induce ASMR, because some ASMR triggers (e.g. whispering, touching and sharp sounds) can induce a feeling of tingling or static sensation (). The five ASMR triggers (rain, sea waves, waterfall, forest and river) were randomized. It shows what stimuli were exposed to which subjects. The exact links of the website of the five sounds are as follows: i) rain: , ii) sea waves: , iii) waterfalls: ,iv) forest: , and v) river: .Three types of CS were created using MATLAB R2017a and presented using Psychtoolbox. In combining the auditory stimuli, there were several parameters (e.g. decibel, exposure duration and frequency) that could have affected the effect of a combined stimulus. Here, we try to investigate brain responses by controlling all parameters except the CS decibel ratios. In session 1, we tested three CS with different decibel ratios. A repetitive sinusoidal sound (i.e. binaural rhythm) played in a high volume can induce feelings of discomfort (). On the other hand, it is difficult to induce brain waves within the desired frequency using low volume sounds. In this sense, we determine three ratios combined between binaural shocks and ASMR triggers. In the binaural rhythms, the sound level was changed to 45 dB for the recommended background sound level, 30 dB for silent sound level, and 20 dB to ensure hearing thresholds in each condition. The sound intensity of the ASMR triggers was set at 60 dB, which is a clear sound level, because the threshold is approximately 60 dB for hearing stimuli (). Specifically, the combined proportions are as follows: (i) CS1 – binaural rhythms:ASMR shoots = 45:60; (ii) CS2 – binaural rhythms: ASMR shoots = 30:60; and (iii) CS3 – binaural rhythms: ASMR shoots = 20:60. In session 2, the effects of the optimal CS determined in session 1 were compared to the SHAM condition, only binaural shocks and the ASMR only triggers. For the SHAM condition, a silent stimulus was used with headphones in each ear (; ; ). The volume of the ASMR trigger was only set at 60 dB, which has previously been determined to be a comfortable level (). In the case of 6 Hz binaural beats only, the subjects were also exposed to 60 dB. Experimental procedures show the experimental paradigms for session 1 and session 2. During all experiments, the subjects kept their eyes closed. Session 1 started with an evaluation of emotional states using questionnaires. After responding to the questionnaires, they remained in a state of rest without listening to any stimulus for 2 min with their eyes closed as a reference basis. Hearing stimuli were delivered through earphones for 3 min while subjects kept their eyes closed. A 2-minute stimulation period is an acceptable time to detect the effect of hearing stimulation (). Therefore, we put the theme to the combined stimulus for 3 min to accurately induce the desired frequency. The three CS conditions were presented in a counterbalanced random order. The topic completed the questionnaires after hearing each CS. The intervals between stimuli from 5 to 10 min were provided between stimulation periods, and the subjects were allowed to wake up sufficiently. Figure 1. experimental paradigm. The experiment consisted of two sessions. Session 1 was to determine the optimal decibel ratio to combine a binaural rhythm and an ASMR trigger. At session 2, the CS selected at session 1 was compared with the SHAM, BB only and AT only condition. Each hearing stimulus is presented as a random order. Session 1: CS1 = 45:60 BB:AT ratio; CS2 = 30:60 BB:AT ratio; CS3 = 20:60 BB:AT ratio. Session 2: SHAM = shaving status, BB = binaural rhythms, AT = autonomous sensory meridian response triggers, CS = combined stimuli of BB and AT, S = stimulus, ISI = stimulus interval, Sub-S = Subsession, R = resting state. The objective of Session 2 was to explore whether the CS could help induce psychological stability and activation of brain signals in the frequency of destination compared to SHAM, binaural shocks only, and ASMR triggers only conditions. In other words, there were four sub-sessions (SHAM, only binaural beats, ASMR only triggers, and CS conditions) in session 2. The subsession interval was set at 5-10 minutes, as in session 1, to minimize any effect of the previous stimulus to disrupt the response of the next stimulus. At the end of session 1, we select the combined relationship that best induced theta power for each individual and used it for the session 2. In session 1, we focus on whether the power of the tit occurs in each of the three conditions of the CS with different decibel rates, while session 2 investigated sleep induction and the continuous effects of hearing stimuli. Session 2 therefore differs from session 1 in two aspects. First, we present a hearing stimulus for 10 minutes in session 2. This is because activity in all regions of the brain is enhanced by hearing stimulation within 10 minutes of exposure (). Second, the resting states were measured before and after stimulation for 2 min in each subsession. The themes were equally given 2 min rest with closed eyes without headphones on. In the many previous studies, the rest states were held 2 min (; ) or shorter (; ). In addition, the resting states before each stimulus were used as a baseline in the analysis. Each stimulus was randomly assigned and counterbalanced in subjects. Subjects were also asked to meet the questionnaires after hearing each stimulus. We also investigate changes in psychological stability before and after all hearing stimuli. The Mood Scale of 32 points (BRUMS-32). The original BRUMS is a 24-point mood scale based on the profile of the Mood States (, ). The BRUMS-32 was formed by adding elements that evaluate the "happy" and "calmness" subscales. These questionnaires have eight factors, each with four humor descriptors (). Factors are "ancla", "tension", "depression", "fatiga", "confusion", "happy" and "quality". The subjects responded with a rating on the 5-point scale of Liker, where "0" = "no at all," "1" = "a little," "2" = "moderately," "3" = "a little," and "4" = "extremely." Thus, the total score of a factor is a maximum of 16 (4 mood descriptors × 4 points). EEG Acquisition and AnalysisEEG Recording EEG data was recorded at a sample rate of 500 Hz. We use an EEG amplifier (BrainAmp, Brain Product GmbH, Germany) with 19 Ag/AgCl electrodes using the configuration of the international 10-10 system. EEG data were referred to the FCz electrode, and the Earth channel was the AFz electrode. EEG Data Analysis All data analysis was performed using MATLAB R2017a with the OpenBMI () and BBCI () toolbox. EEG data were disarmed at 250 Hz. A finite belt-passing pulse response filter was applied between 0.5 and 50 Hz, as this filter is stable and simple (). In addition, a notch filter was made in 60 Hz for the elimination of power transmission lines (). The rapid Fourier transformation was made to convert from time to frequency domain for spectral analysis. We analyze the changes of hearing stimuli in five frequency bands: delta (0.5–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–13 Hz), beta (13–30 Hz), and gamma bands (30–50 Hz), as the spectral elements of the EEG signals, are normally divided into these frequencies (). However, we focus on theta power, as we induce the can activity using the binaural rhythm of 6 Hz. In addition, we investigate spatial changes in teta activity in seven regions of the brain: prefrontal, frontal, central, temporal, parietal, occipital and median regions (). These areas were chosen because the brain areas associated with binaural beats are not uncertain (; ). The power in frequency bands was computed in each channel and averaged in seven regions. Table 1. Brain regions and their corresponding EEG channels. At session 1, we use 6 Hz peak (desired frequency) on the midline when selecting CS for use at session 2. Because the power of the middle line is directly related to the transition to sleep (). In addition, we measure the laterality index (LI) to investigate asymmetry in the alpha band related to emotion in session 2. This index was calculated by the following equation: LI = (L − R)/(L + R), where L and R represent the left and right hemispheres, respectively (). This value is between −1 and 1. Specifically, the positive value refers to the left hemispheric domination, while the negative value refers to the right hemispheric domination (). We calculate LI about both the front and front regions that are related to emotions. Statistical Analysis We conducted a t-stop test to investigate what frequency was induced after hearing each ear stimulus. The t paired test between before and after each stimulus was also applied to explore the power of the tit induced in the seven areas. We apply a unilateral analysis of variance (ANOVA) to explore the spatial differences of the teta power between stimuli. For post-hot analysis, t-tests were used paired with Bonferroni correction. Similarly, we examine changes in the psychological stability of each element compared to the baseline using t pair tests. The differences in the BRUMS-32 scores between the stimuli were compared to ANOVA and t-test paired for post hoc analysis in each psychological factor. In addition, in session 2, to examine the spatial changes of the rest states before and after hearing stimuli, the teta energy was performed on 19 EEG electrodes using two-way ANOVA (channel × absence or presence of hearing stimuli). Tests t matched with Bonferroni correction were also performed on only spatial differences between before and after hearing stimuli in each channel for post-hot analysis. The t paired test was also performed to investigate the difference in LI after each stimulus. The alpha level for all statistical meaning was set at 0.05. The size of the effect was calculated as d and pirap2 of Cohen for paired t-test and ANOVA respectively. ResultsSession 1: Optimal relationship combined between Binaural Beato and ASMR TriggerBrainwave Entrainment In session 1, the topics were presented with three binaural rhythms different from the ASMR triggers ratios: 45:60, 30:60 and 20:60. It shows statistical differences of power between the five frequency bands compared to the baseline. Note the increase in the power of theta band, which was the frequency of destination that we try to induce with binaural rhythm. For the three conditions of the CS, other frequencies in the brain were not induced. Table 2. Statistics of the power differences between the base and auditory stimuli in session 1.Next, we evaluate the changes in the potency of the tit in seven areas of the brain (). In the prefrontal region, there was a decrease in the thermal energy in only CS1. On the other hand, the power of the tit increased in only CS1 in temporary regions. We note the increase in the thermal energy in both CS1 and CS2 over the central and medium regions. shows changes in the potency of the tit caused by three CSs compared to the baseline. There were statistical differences between three CSs in the prefrontal (F(2, 42) = 5.85, p = 0.005, pirap2 = 0.217), temporary (F(2, 42) = 3.29, p = 0.047, pirap2 = 0.135), and midline regions (F(2, 42) = 3.42, p = 0.0422, pirap2 = 0.140). In the pre-frontal region, the CS2 and CS3 power was significantly higher than that of CS1 (CS1 vs. CS2: df = 14, t = −3.577, p = 0.003, Cohen d = 0.93; CS1 vs. CS1; df = 14, t = 0.046, p = 0.001, Cohen d = 1,044), but in the temporal region, the power of the CS1 In the middle-line regions, the power of the tit in CS1 and CS2 was significantly higher than in CS3 (CS1 vs. CS3: df = 14, t = 2,565, p = 0.022, Cohen d = 0.62; CS2 vs. CS3: df = 14, t = 3,430, p = 0.004, Cohen d = 0,885).Table 3. Space changes before and after the combined stimuli at session 1.Figure 2. Changes in the potency of the tit as compared to the baseline in three stimulus conditions combined at session 1. Error bars show a standard error. CS1 = 45:60 BB:AT ratio; CS2 = 30:60 BB:AT ratio, CS3 = 20:60 BB:AT ratio. BB = binaural rhythm, AT = autonomous sensory meridian response trigger, CS = stimuli combined with BB and AT. AlternativaPsychological Stability We compare the BRUMS-32 scores before and after hearing stimuli to investigate the effect of inducing psychological stability (). Four negative emotional states ("anger", "tension", "depression" and "confusion") were reduced in the three CS conditions compared to the baseline. However, "vigor" (positive emotional state) scores were also reduced. There were no significant changes in the "fatigue" scores in the three CS conditions. Curiously, "happy" scores only increased significantly in CS2. "quality" scores were significantly reduced in CS1 compared to the baseline. Table 4. Statistical differences in the BRUMS-32 scores after each stimulus compared to the baseline. Differences were observed in the eight factors for emotional states in the three CS conditions (). Only "quality" indicates a significant difference between the three stimuli (F(2, 42) = 5.05, p Figure 3. Changes in the BRUMS-32 scores compared to the baseline in three stimulus conditions combined in session 1. Error bars show standard errors. CS1 = 45:60 BB:AT ratio; CS2 = 30:60 BB:AT ratio; CS3 = 20:60 BB:AT ratio. BB = binaural rhythms, AT = autonomous sensory meridian response activators, CS = combined BB and AT stimuli. As a result, we observe the individual changes in the peak of 6 Hz over the middle area and the psychological stability for the three combined auditory stimuli, respectively. All subjects had the largest increase in 6 Hz at CS2 peak compared to CS1 and CS3. However, in the case of Sub02, Sub03, Sub06, Sub08, the CS2 6 Hz peak was slightly increased compared to CS3. For sub14, the CS2 6 Hz peak was slightly higher than the CS1 (). Accordingly, we decided that the CS2 was a more appropriate proportion for the examination of psychological stability (). As a result, CS2 was selected as the optimal relationship between binaural shocks and ASMR triggers for all topics and was used for all experiments in session 2. Session 2: Effect of combined stimuli to induce SleepBrainwave formation As a result of session 1, CS2 was chosen as the optimal relationship to combine binaural rhythm and ASMR trigger. In session 2, the themes were presented with four auditory stimuli (SHAM, binaural rhythm, ASMR and CS2 triggers). shows statistical results to induce each frequency power after each ear stimulus. We observe the induction of teta energy in the binaural beat, the ASMR and CS trigger. Alpha power was significantly reduced with all hearing stimuli except the SHAM condition. In addition, beta power was significantly reduced in only CS condition. No change of frequency with the SHAM condition was induced. Table 5. Statistical differences of power between the base level and the hearing stimulus in session 2.We examine spatial changes in the potency of statistics in SHAM, binaural rhythm, ASMR trigger and CS conditions. In the pre-frontal region, there were no significant changes in the power of the tit in the four conditions. The potency of the tit increased only in the ASMR triggers in the front region, only in the CS in the central region, and in only the binaural rhythm in the occipital region. Finally, the power of the tit in binaural beats and the CS increased significantly in the parietal and median regions (). In addition, we investigate the differences in power between each condition in seven regions (). As a result of the ANOVA, there were significant differences in four regions (frontal region: F(3, 56) = 5.70, p = 0.002, pirap2 = 0.234; temporary region: F(3, 56) = 3.61, p = 0.019, pirap2 = 0.162; parietal region: F(3, 56) = 3.66, p = 0.018, pira2 = 0.163; middle region. The power with the ASMR trigger was significantly higher than with SHAM, the binaural and CS beat on the front region (SHAM vs. ASMR trigger: df = 14, t = −2.704, p = 0.017, Cohen d = 0.698; binaural beat vs. ASMR trigger: df = 14, t = −3.439, p = 0.004, Cohen = 004 In the temporal and pacular regions, the power of the tit with the binaural rhythm and the CS was significantly higher than with SHAM (temporary region: SHAM vs. BB: df = 14, t = 2,193, p = 0.045, Cohen d = 0.56; SHAM vs. CS: df = 14, t = 14, 270, p = 0.039, Cohen d = 0.56 p Finally, in the middle-line region, the TC power was significantly higher than the other three conditions (SHAM vs. CS: df = 14, t = −2.415, p = 0.030, Cohen d = 0.623; binaural vs. CS: df = 14, t = −2.635, p = 0.019, Cohen d = 0.680 ASMR shoots vs. 6. Space changes before and after four hearing stimuli at the session 2.Figure 4. Changes in the absolute power of the tit as compared to the baseline with four hearing stimuli at session 2. Error bars show standard errors. SHAM = shaving condition, BB = binaural rhythms, AT = autonomous sensory meridian response triggers, CS = combined stimuli of 30:60 BB and AT ratio. In addition, Theta's power was exploited in the state of rest to investigate local changes before and after each stimulus. represents the brain topography of the potency of the tit before and after the stimulation period for SHAM, binaural beat, ASMR trigger and CS conditions. shows the statistical results of the ANOVA of two tracks. With SHAM, there were no changes in the power of the tit between pre- and post-stimulation. With the binary rate, the power of the tit increased significantly in the middle-line regions. In addition, the power in the ASMR trigger increased significantly in the front and front region after stimulation. With CS, the thermal power increased significantly in the front, central and middle-line regions. Figure 5. Statistical results between before and after the stimulation period for SHAM, BB, AT and CS at session 2. The statistical differences in the power of the tit were calculated before and after four auditory stimuli. A white asterisk indicates an electrode that is significantly different before after stimulation (p Table 7. Bidirectional ANOVA results in spatial differences before and after four auditory stimuli. We observe the LI alpha in the prefrontal and frontal regions to investigate changes in emotions. In all stimuli, LI had no change between pre and post-stimulus (SHAM: df = 14, t = −1.406, p = 0.181, Cohen's d = 0.362; binaural rhythm: df = 14, t = 0.941, p = 0.072, Cohen's Invest = 0.53; ASMR trigger: df = 14, t = 1,177, p = 0.258. The "anger" marker increased statistically in the binaural rhythm but decreased under the conditions of the CS. The "tension" scores were significantly reduced with ASMR triggers and CS conditions. The "depression" scores were not significantly changed, but "vigor" scores decreased with all conditions. The "fatigue" scores showed significant increases with the SHAM and CS conditions. The "confusion" scores only statistically decreased with ASMR triggers. The "happy" scores were significantly reduced with SHAM. Finally, the "quality" score was reduced with binary rhythm but increased significantly with ASMR triggers and CS conditions. Table 8. Statistical differences in BRUMS-32 scores with each stimulus compared to the baseline. shows changes in BRUMS-32 scores with the four stimuli compared to the baseline. There were statistical differences in four scores ("anger": F(3, 56) = 8.50, p Figure 6. Changes in BRUMS-32 scores with four stimuli compared to the baseline in session 2. Error bars show standard errors. SHAM = shaving condition, BB = binaural rhythms, AT = autonomous sensory meridian response triggers, CS = combined BB and AT stimuli to the ratio of 30:60 dB. AlternativaDiscussion In this study, we propose a new hearing stimulus that combines the binaural rhythm and the ASMR trigger in an attempt to induce the brain wave training of the dominant frequency in the NREM sleep stage 1. This method could reduce the inconvenience caused by binaural beat and improve the effects of training on brain waves. We also explore the effects of binaural beat and ASMR on brain wave training and psychological stability. In session 1, it was found that the combination of binaural beat and ASMR trigger to a ratio of 30:60 dB was the most effective of combinations. In session 2, four stimuli (SHAM, binaural rhythm, ASMR and CS trigger) were played for 10 minutes, and the rest states were measured for 2 minutes before and after each stimulus. We assumed that the effects on the previous stimulus would almost have disappeared as there were between 9 and 14 minutes between stimuli, including these rest states. As a result, the power teta after listening to the binary rhythm increased over the temporal and parietal regions. There was an increase in the thermal power over the frontal region for the ASMR activation condition. The CS condition showed the effects of combining the ASMR trigger and binaural rhythm in brain wave training. The power of the tit increased strongly in the middle line associated with the transition to sleep, especially after listening to CS. As for psychological stability using BRUMS-32, the "anger" scores were clearly increased after the binaural beat condition, while the "calmness" scores were significantly increased after ASMR triggers and CS conditions. It is still controversial if binaural rhythm induces specific oscillatory brain wave activity. Some studies have reported that binaural rhythm with frequencies within the band of theta had no effects on cognitive functions (; ). A study did not report effects when the binaural beat was presented for 2 minutes (). However, this period may have been too short for the cortical formation of these frequencies. In fact, the results of this study suggest that at least 3 min is necessary to induce the effect of hearing stimuli. In addition, another study indicated that binaural rhythm could not be used as a potential tool for improving the oscillative activity of the EEG (). In his study, 373 Hz was used as the bearer tone. However, it has been reported that 250 Hz can be a better choice as a carrier of pure frequency tones (). Therefore, the effect of binaural beat is not clear. However, most studies have reported that binaural rhythm could activate specific brain wave frequencies and induce the desired mental states (; ; ). Our results clearly showed that the binaural rhythm induced theta brain waves in the temporal and parietal regions. Theta's power was induced, even using CS mixed with natural sounds. The hearing trajectories are present in the temporal, parietal and frontal regions, which a little overlap with the visual system (). The primary hearing cortex is also on the upper surface of the temporary region (). In fact, the distribution of current density of sources of potential battened has been shown at the peak of the temporal and parietal regions (). Our results showed that the auditory stimuli induced by binaural rhythm activated the primary hearing cortex and led to a frequency of destination. We observe the power of the tit in the front areas for ASMR triggers. Increases in the potency of the tit were observed in the frontal region when the subjects relaxed (; ). In particular, this increase was associated with an improved activity in the previous cingular cortex when it was in a meditative state. These changes were also intended to reflect a positive emotional state (). In addition, ASMR participated directly in visceral and emotional responses by reducing the salience network associated with the previous dorsal cingular cortex and the previous isula (). In this sense, this change induced by ASMR could represent an increase in the teta power in the frontal region. However, more research is needed in brain neurophysiological mechanisms related to ASMR. When the binaural coups combined with the ASMR triggers were presented, the potency of the tit was significantly induced across CS, regardless of the combined relationship. Individual results showed that the power of theta in CS2 was induced by the 15 subjects, but the four results for CS1 and three results for CS3 showed a tendency to diminish the power of theta. This means that the effect of the binaural beat varies depending on the individual. In addition, we investigate the spatial changes after CS. When the combined stimulus was presented, the wave activity of the tit was more evident in the front, temporary and middle-line regions compared to the other regions of the brain. CS seemed to combine the effects of binaural rhythm and ASMR trigger. As for the power of the tit, the changes in the temporal region were prominent in the CS1 with a high binaural rhythm, while the changes in the prefrontal region were prominent in the CS3 with a high ASMR relationship. As a result, the CS2 increased more in the middle-line region associated with the transition to sleep. Also, at session 2, the increase in the potency of the tit in the middle line was more noticeable compared to other stimuli. Previous studies suggested that the transition to sleep is marked by the increased activity of the teta wave in the middle-line region (; ). Even the power of the tit increased during unconsciousness compared to awakening (). Therefore, we could speculate that the increase of the energy teta after CS2 in the middle line region could induce sleep when combined with a hearing stimulus. Sleep and awakening are controlled by an upward excitation system that begins in the brain trunk and sends projection fibers to the thalamus, hypothalamus, basal forebrain and cerebral cortex. The system includes several core groups. The nuclei of sleep promotion and veil promotion systems are mutually inhibited, and these changes of different neuronal oscillations are observed through EEG signals (). When binaural beats enter the primary hearing cortex, the signals are transmitted directly to the associated hearing areas and other relevant areas that induce the brain to oscillate at a rate of desired frequency of binaural beats (). Specifically, these signals enter the thalamus, where the audio sensory information is processed through the sensory neuronal pathway (). Eventually, it is thought that hearing signals in the thalamus can affect the sleep promotion system. In this sense, binaural beats can regulate the sleep cycle because they can be used to regulate behavioral states, followed by entraining effects (; ). With this mechanism, our CS condition could induce sleep while helping to get 6 Hz theta waves, which is characteristic of the NREM sleep stage 1.The effects of brain formation vary with the duration of stimulus exposure (; ). In our results, it was noted that changes in alpha power were different at session 1 and session 2 with the CS. There were no significant changes in alpha waves at session 1, but at session 2, there was a significant decrease in alpha waves during stimulation. In session 2, the alpha power was significantly reduced for binaural rhythm, ASMR trigger and CS conditions. These results are considered due to different times of stimulus exposure. The increase in teta energy seemed to be associated with a natural decrease in alpha power when subjects enter stage 1 of NREM sleep (). From a different perspective, the differences in alpha power could be linked to the changes of emotion. In fact, the alpha band plays a critical role in emotional processing (). Previous studies reported a decrease in alpha band after listening to natural sounds (). The alpha band also decreased in the left prefrontal areas by listening to positive music and in the right prefrontal areas by listening to negative music (; ). In other words, brain changes can be different due to the preference of stimuli. In some cases, there has been an increase in alpha bands when listening to music (). We have not observed any changes in frontal asymmetry in alpha power related to emotion. It is believed that the preferences of stimuli also affected individuals. Therefore, it would be necessary to investigate the relationship between alpha power and emotions to more precisely consider all variables. For different frequencies, there were no changes in the four stimuli for delta and gamma power, but beta power significantly decreased only in CS condition. Naturally, the binaural beats and the titted power induced by the CS, but as the delta power is the main feature in the deep sleep of the NREM (; ) and the gamma power is related to the maintenance of brain excitation during awakening (), it seems natural that these are not induced by other stimuli except by the alpha power associated with emotions. Curiously, we also observed the decrease in beta power in only the CS condition. Beta activity is the marker of critical excitation (). In this regard, it could be considered that the induction of sleep caused by the CS led to a decrease in beta power, as stage 1 of the NREM dream was reached. As shown in the results of the BRUMS-32, the ASMR and CS trigger were clearly associated with increases in positive emotions ("calma") and decreases in negative emotions ("anger" and "tension"). On the other hand, after listening to binaural rhythm, there have been revealed increases in negative emotions ("anger") and decreases in positive emotions ("happy" and "quality") as a disadvantage of technique (). We know that binaural rhythm is effective in producing the desired frequency, although it causes negative emotions. Thus, the combination of binaural beat with additional stimuli such as ASMR, which induces psychological stability (), seems to be a better way to maintain the advantages of both stimuli for an effective method of sleep induction. There are several limitations to this study. First, many parameters (e.g. decibel, exposure duration and frequency) were used to find the optimal combination of binaural rhythm and ASMR trigger to induce sleep. However, we only use three decibel ratios in this study. Future studies require efforts to identify several optimal parameters. Secondly, we have gathered a group of subjects who have heard five different triggers from ASMR. Frankly speaking, because they heard different sounds, their brain responses may differ. However, in previous studies, sound listening was divided into annoying and nature sounds. These natural sounds consisted of six sounds similar to ours, such as river, forest, rain, jungle, ocean waves and waterfall landscapes. As a result, similar spatial patterns were investigated in people who heard different natural sounds (). In this sense, we assume that there would be no significant difference in the ASMR trigger group in our study, which heard the natural sounds of the different ASMR triggers. However, if we proceed with the study of the various sounds of ASMR, it would be a good opportunity to clearly investigate changes in the brain with respect to ASMR. Thirdly, the clear evidence of sleep parameters, such as the start of sleep, is a lack of sleep induction. We consider that induction of teta energy, the main feature of the NREM 1 sleep stage, to be asleep induction, but measurements of sleep parameters are necessary in the future. Conclusion We researched the effects of a CS that combined the binary rhythm and the ASMR trigger in two results: the ability to induce brain wave training and psychological stability. In order to induce sleep, it is necessary not only to induce frequencies in each stage of sleep, but also to feel comfortable so that users can sleep. Our proposed CS could induce the activity of 6 Hz, which corresponds to theta band, to induce the dream scenario NREM 1. In addition, the CS could be used to relieve negative emotions and increase positive emotions for users. Our findings suggest that this could provide an effective way to improve sleep quality. Availability Status Gross data supporting the conclusions of this manuscript will be made available to the authors, without undue reservations, to any qualified investigator. Ethical Statement The Institutional Review Board of the University of Korea (KUIRB-2019-0134-01) reviewed and approved studies on human participants. Written informed consent to participate in this study was provided by the legal guardian or the connection of the participants ' family members. Author ContributionsML, C-BS and S-WL designed the experiments. C-BS and G-HS performed the experiments. ML, C-BS and G-HS analyzed the data. ML and C-BS wrote the manuscript. ML and S-WL critically reviewed the manuscript and contributed to important intellectual content. Funding This work was partly supported by the scholarship of the Institute of Information and Communications Technology of Planning and Evaluation (IITP) funded by the Government of Korea (No. 2017-0-00451; Development of BCI-based brain and cognitive computing technology to recognize user intentions using deep learning, No. 2015-0-00185; Development of Intelligent Pattern Recognition Software for Ambulatory Computer Interface. Conflict of interest The authors state that the investigation was conducted in the absence of commercial or financial relations that could be interpreted as a potential conflict of interest. Supplementary material The Supplementary Material for this item can be found online at: ReferencesBalasubramanian, G., Kanagasabai, A., Mohan, J., and Seshadri, N. P. G. (2018). The emotion induced by music by decomposition of wave packets: an EEG study. Biomed. Signaling process. Control 42, 115–128. doi: 10.1016/j.bspc.2018.01.015 Sil Barrat, E. L., and Davis, N. J. 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Mental Health Personal GrowthRelations Family LifeNeed help? Recently diagnosed? Talk to someoneCurrent So you're not a "10" anyway. But you're probably quite spectacular somehow, and definitely good enough in most areas of life. If there ever was a time to stop beating yourself up as a human being, it is now. Recent newsEssential ReadsTrending TopicsSearch Find a therapist Get helpMembers Get help Mental Health Personal GrowthRelations Family LifeNeed help? Recently diagnosed? Talk to someoneMagazine So you're not a "10" anyway. But you're probably quite spectacular somehow, and definitely good enough in most areas of life. If there ever was a time to stop beating yourself up as a human being, it is now. TodayNewsEssential ReadsTrending Topics Verified by Psychology Today How can Binaural Beats help you sleep better? Binaural rhythms are a fascinating and exciting technology. Published on October 11, 2018 Have you heard of? It is a technique that has been for a while, but it is recently getting a lot for its ability to lower and improve sleep, as well as to improve cognitive performance. I've written earlier on how sound can make a difference to sleep. Patients often tell me they fall asleep to relax the music. They seem to find that it really helps them to let go of active thoughts and keep their minds quiet, which, like theirs probably, tends to run from one thing to the other all day ("I can't turn my brain off" syndrome). Binaural beats are a fascinating and exciting technology that takes advantage of the brain's response capacity to move you into a state of deep relaxation, relief, and help you sleep better. What are binaural blows? Sounds like a new musical genre, right? Not exactly. Binaural rhythms are a technique of combining two slightly different sound frequencies to create the perception of a single tone of new frequency. The theory is that when exposed to two different frequencies at the same time, one in each ear, the brain actually perceives a single tone that is the difference between the two separate frequencies. Your brain, in a sense, "study" this new frequency. You listen to binaural rhythms using headphones. In each ear, it receives sound at a slightly different frequency (often accompanied by some relaxing background sounds). If your left ear receives a tone of 300 hertz and your right ear receives a tone of 280 propellers, your brain will process and absorb a tone of 10 propellers. That's a very low-frequency sound wave, one you can't really hear. But you don't need to hear the sound so your brain is affected by it. Why does exposure to these sound waves help sleep and relaxation? Science shows that exposure to binaural beats can create changes in the degree of brain excitation. Listening to these sounds that create a low-frequency tone, research indicates, triggers a slowdown to brain wave activity — and that can help you relax, lower your anxiety and ease your sleep and sleep with more sound. How Brain Waves Work To understand how binaural rhythms can help relaxation, mood, mental performance and sleep, you need to know a little about brain waves and what they indicate about our state of consciousness, emotion and mental activity. Brain waves are created from the pulses of electrical activity that our neurons exhibit while communicating with each other. Our thoughts, feelings and actions are expressed through this constant communication, so our brain waves are associated with how we feel and what we can do at a given time. For the purposes of this discussion, we will talk about four main types of brain waves: Beta. These brain waves are associated with high levels of alertness and excitement. When mastering beta brain wave patterns, we are prepared to focus and concentrate, to make decisions and to think analytically. When you're analyzing a problem at work, you're probably in a beta-dominant state. Beta waves are fast, more often (between 15-40 hertz). At the highest levels of this range, beta waves are associated with anxiety. Alpha. Alpha brain wave patterns are associated with a state of awakening relaxation. Slower and lower in frequency (between 9-14 hertz), alpha waves are dominant when we are calm and relaxed, but still alert. The alpha waves are associated with states of—your yoga class probably puts you in an alpha state—and also with our ability to be creative. Theta. This brain wave pattern is associated with deep relaxation and some sleep stages, including the lightest stages of non-REM (NREM). The REM sleep consists mainly of beta wave and other activity similar to an alert, brain awakening. Deep meditation produces theta waves, which are slower and less frequent (between 5-8 hertz) than Alpha waves. That dazzling barrier between sleep and awakening, when you're coming in and out of sleep, and your thoughts feel dreamed and hard to remember? That is a dominant state of consciousness. Delta. If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've heard me talking about slow-wave, delta sleep. Delta waves are slow and low-frequency (between 1,5-4 hertz) brain waveforms that are the dominant pattern of deep-sea brain wave (stage 3 and 4), NREM sleep. As you can see, the faster (and greater frequency) the brain wave pattern, the greater its state of excitation. The slower and less frequent brain waves are, the deeper their state of relaxation, or sleep. Scientists have observed for decades that exposure to sound waves can affect brain wave patterns. In a process called entraining (called "learning the brain"), when exposed to sound waves in certain frequencies, brain wave patterns are adjusted to align with those frequencies. This is a way scientists think binaural rhythms work. By exposing the brain to strokes that create low-frequency tones in the brain, these sound waves create changes in the brain waves themselves, generating slower brain waves that promote deeper states of relaxation. How binaural beats can improve brain wave activity during sleep is largely different from brain activity when you are awake. (The REM sleep is an exception: During REM, your brain is active in very similar ways when you are awake.) During non-REM sleep, the tit and delta waves of less frequency dominate, compared to alpha and beta waves that are prominent when you are alert and active. One that slows brain wave activity, helping to produce low-frequency waves, is likely to help relaxation and sleep. But it is not only to decrease the frequency of brain wave that binaural beats can offer for sleep and relaxation. A small study (19 people) has found that exposure to binaural rhythms is associated with changes to three important for sleep and well-being: In addition to potentially boosting hormones that promote sleep, binaural rhythms can also reduce our perceptions of pain. A 2017 study found that binaural rhythms used in combination with visual stimulation led to reductions in the perception of patients with acute pain. Other recent research showed binary rhythms helped improve pain perception in patients with. This is good news on its own, and also promising news for sleep. Pain often interferes with sleep (and poor sleep can worsen pain), so reducing pain is an effective way to improve sleep. Binaural beatings for anxiety reduction A growing body of research suggests that binaural rhythms can reduce different forms of anxiety, from mild to chronic. A particularly interesting study examined the effects of binaural beats on anxiety among patients preparing to undergo surgery, a life-threatening circumstance that is quite anxiety causing most others. For a period of six months, patients spent 30 minutes on the day of their surgery listening to binaural rhythms. Compared to patients who heard a soundtrack that did not include binaural beats—and patients who did not receive any "beats" therapy at all— binaural rhythm listeners experienced significantly higher reductions in anxiety levels. Another study looked at whether binaural beats helped anxiety in patients preparing for cataract surgery, and found that binaural beats caused a reduction in anxiety levels and lower blood pressure before surgery. Binaural coups to improve and creativity Some important notesSome studies have found that binaural beats can affect the positive or negative cognitive function, depending on the specific frequency generated. For example, a long-term memory study found that beta-frequency binaural rhythms improves memory, while the binary rhythms of frequency-ta interfered with memory. This is something for scientists to keep looking closely. For people who use binaural rhythms, it is important to understand that different frequencies will produce different effects. When studying the impact of binaural shocks on cognition, researchers often find that individual differences matter if therapy offers a benefit. Right now, it seems that at least some of the benefits of binaural shocks can work for some people, and not for others. Research in binaural rhythms is expanding, but it's still early. We have much more to learn about how this technique affects brain function and the ways we can use it more effectively. That goes for cognitive enhancement, as well as for sleep, relaxation and mood. There is much to like about this technology as a potential treatment for sleep problems. It is low impact and non-invasive, not dependent on chemical drugs, it is cheap, and, for most people, it is likely to be easy to adopt and maintain. In this way, it is similar to other behavioral therapies for the dream that I like, including meditation and relaxation techniques, and other mind-body therapies. Sweet, Michael J. Breus, Ph.D., DABSM Sleep problems are becoming much more a common problem. I think it's great to see alternative ways to help with insomnia and other sleep-related problems, especially when they don't involve the need to take medications. Something that turned out to be effective is 'Sleepstation' a UK-based organization that uses CBT techniques to cure insomnia. Your online sleep therapy course is brilliant and very convenient as it is delivered online. Your website is definitely worth taking a look if you are having sleep problems My doctor recommended to try the music at the online binaural rhythm meditation shop for my sleep and anxiety problems and has definitely helped. I prefer natural solutions to prescription drugs. Great article. Thank you. If, as you write above, you hear a tone of 300 Hz in one ear, and a tone of 280 Hz in the other ear, why does the brain detect a 10 Hz, instead of a tone of 20 Hz (300 - 280 = 20)? Your brain basically divides the difference or 1/2 of 20 = 10 I discovered the binaural strokes a few years ago. I was waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning and I didn't go back to sleep. I hear 432hz that really works for me. I'm going to sleep very deeply. Once I started sleeping well and no longer had the anxiety of not being able to sleep, I rarely needed to use it. Relaxreset and recharge: Nature Soundsreset There are hundreds, if not thousands, of free sources of binaural rhythms on the Internet, but I would like to be sure that I am getting a quality product and know what I am putting in my brain. Do you have a source we can trust? I don't buy a product to know what I'm getting. Where are the references and quotations from these papers? Should we blindly trust "scientists said" and "studies"? Publication Comment About AuthorMichael J. Breus, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and a diplomat of the American Board of Sleep Medicine. He's the author of Beauty Sleep. Read Next Get the help you need from a therapist near you – a FREE Psychology Service Today. Cities:Recent Issues

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