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spironolactone for acne reviews

Spironolactone for Acne Before-and-After Photos | InStyle
Spironolactone for Acne Before-and-After Photos | InStyle
Main menuConditions Healthy Tools Explore Health of EverydayAldactone (Spironolactone)Aldactone (Spironolactone) Reviews Tips for Good Reviews EXAMEN Could you recommend this drug? How effective was this medication to treat your condition? How easy was it to take this drug? (required) Did you have side effects while using this medication? (required) If you have prior anxiety problems, do yourself a favor and please try something else. This will help acne, however, does not solve the problem it is causing. If you lose a few days of this medicine, your acne will come back. My quality of life slowed down from this. Even though I had no anxiety problems before taking this, I had a sudden unknown "attack" where my shoulders and neck were tensed to make me feel like I broke my neck caused lightness, I couldn't walk around the house, dehydrated, anxious. If you take this NOT take at night as it is a diuretic and if you drink coffee in the morning it is throwing diuretic in a diuretic and you will lose your water retention. This drug is mainly for adrenal heart failure. If you are typically a dehydrated person, this is not the medicine for you. This is for those who need the excess water of their body not for someone who tries to cure their acne and exhaust the water that NEED from their body. Rated for Acne Report Spironolactone ruined my body. My dermatologist prescribed 50 mg for adult acne. The next month we increase to 100, and the next to 150. My acne finally started to clear up, but my breasts were very painful and I noticed a small weight gain. I thought those side effects will be dissipated, and we lower the dose again to 100. My skin was impeccable, but suddenly in the month four, my weight dropped 20 pounds. I also started to have two periods a month, my breasts grew two cup sizes, and fatigue was so bad that I couldn't work a full day without sleeping after a few hours. My derm insisted that Spironolactone does not cause weight gain. My skin looked amazing, but my body once too thin was gone. I stopped Spiro two months ago and my weight doesn't shake and I'm terrified that whatever is done, my body is permanently ruined. My diet and exercise routine had never changed. I'm in total loss and I'm very scared that I'll never feel good in my body again. Taking this medicine was a big mistake. Rated for Acne Report Started taking Aldactone-Spironolactone about two years ago. My cystic hormonal acne cleared almost completely after a few weeks. I still have occasional samples of eating a poor diet occasionally. Mmm, junk food. While the side effects go, I have brain fog, my breasts grew two sizes, and I haven't seen anyone talk about this, but I've had a horrible sore throat that seems to be getting worse just as the months go by. I started at 50 mg and climbed at 150 mg, now setting me at 100 mg a day, but if I take less my acne comes back after a week. Even with the addition of birth control (tried Ocella [Yaz] and Progestin [Sprintec]) that is supposed to help with acne I can no longer lower the dose. I understand that it is a kind of bacterial imbalance that is caused by this medication, and I have not been able to find a way to improve my sore throat except to stop the medication. If it weren't for the horrible sore throat, this would be the perfect medicine for my aggressive acne. Rated for Hair loss - Alopecia Report Spiro ruined my life. I had the worst side effects after my derm. recommended to increase my dose. I was at 150 mg when I experienced extreme anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, depression, loss of appetite and fatigue. I went up to 200 mg in January 2021 and panic attacks and sleeping problems increased. I took off the cold turkey and soon enough, I came back to normal. All side effects are gone. I'll never take this again. I told my derm. If this medication caused anxiety and said, "That's the last thing you'll do." I'm very upset because I wasn't well informed of the side effects of this drug. I'm sure you'll notify everyone not to take this. It's dangerous for your mental health. Rated for Acne Report I have had acne from high school and have tried everything, even accutane 2 times different. The acne always came back eventually. Finally four years ago I was prescribed spironolactone. And it worked incredibly! I've had clear skin ever since. My periods were definitely heavier and longer, but I was willing to deal with it for a clear skin! 4 years in (I'm already 27) and my periods have gone mad! Super heavy and never finish. I feel like I'm always in my period and it's so heavy! I'm assuming it's from the drug, so I decided to stop the drug, and now I'm using the spirnolactone as a subject! It's been about 3 weeks and so far, without interruption. I also use topical epiduo forte at night. We will see in the long term how effective it is. And if my periods return to normal. If not, I'll have to see my gin and find out what's going on. In general, I would definitely recommend this medication! It worked very well for the first two years! Rated for Hair loss - Alopecia Report So I started taking Spiro 50mg back in Nov - Dec 2020 because I did my blood work and my testosterone levels were really high. It's weird because I'm not a hairy girl. In fact, the reason this all started is because my mother was nervous would be bald for 30 (Now I'm 26) because all the women on my side of parents are and have good hair that I also have. Anyway, the hair specialist told me to go to the obgyn and check it out first. They both recommended that. He had terrible mood swings, like crying randomly and then being angry. I had to stop taking it. So today reading this forum and I decided that I will divide the pill and make 25 mg over the next two weeks. My hair is growing much better in general now bc of treatments and other supplements, but I want to get that extra push if I can. You'll try to update them all if I remember in about 2 weeks to see how many mood changes are going. Rated for Acne Report I started around the age 40 and this has been the change of life, the breathtaking skin, helps to reduce hair growth (less $ spent on laser treatments) and definitely improves my mood with PMS and generally I feel that it gives me more energy somehow - when I have come out of it and have gone back, I can definitely feel a difference - it helps me to work daily and helps me keep myself in a healthy lifestyle. It's been six years and I guess I'll stay in this until menopause. When I originally went into this, they made sure that I was past my years of upbringing, so I'm not sure someone started this before in life like me. Great experience for me. Rated for Acne Report I competed in bodybuilding competitions for years; in the end my hormones were so messed up and I had terrible acne. My dermatologist prescribed it; and the first months in it, my acne was terrible and became worse. Then one day of poof- had gone and beautiful skin. What I didn't notice was the effect I had on my weight. But over the years it has slowly crawled. I'm so afraid to stop the medicine for water retention. Has anyone here stopped this cold turkey? And did you have positive results? Rated for Acne Report I took spironolactone for 1.5 years for my acne. He had light skin and less fat. However, I suffered from fatigue, weight gain and occasional weight gain. I stopped using it 2 weeks ago. My appetite has come down, I am losing weight naturally and my energy has also risen naturally. To combat my acne and oily prone skin, I replaced spironolactone with taking 1 g of 2x saw palmette a day and is working well for my skin without side effects. Rated for Acne Report I am someone who reads all the opinions before starting to buy something and the same goes with this medication. A month ago exactly, I started taking Spiro 100 MG along with tretinion .025% (only applying at night) " Clindamycin (only in the morning). I read a lot about skin purification but I didn't do it and I haven't experienced any purges yet. My acne was a hormone because of my DIU and I had a great cystic acne. After a week I saw that the cysts were smaller but they weren't gone. Now it's been a month and I don't have cysts. I have very bad scarring and I still have smaller samples, but it's significantly better. I'll say when I'm healthy and sleep a lot, I see a better difference. Rated for Acne Report I am a 21-year-old female with mild to moderate acne (depending on the season) I've been using and testing treatments since I was 13. I was at Isotretinion for about 4 months, and I got a very clear skin. A couple of months later, I had a grain and remembered Spiro. So I asked my dermatologist if he could do it as a preventive medicine, he agreed it would be a good choice. He was taking 50 mg a day with a simple skin care routine consisting of Micellar, ELTAMD spf and CeraVe Cream water. When I tell you to start this medication, I completely reserved my previous course of treatment. I did not stop dating cc, and white heads; every day it was a new grain cluster even. Not only that but the cramps of the subtle stomach, irregular periods, extreme fatigue. It's not worth it to me personally, but I've seen that it's a miracle for others just exercise caution. It's definitely not a unique size that fits. Now I'm in Doxycycline and the 0.05% tretinion cream and I hope this works best for me! Rated for Acne Report Hello I am in spirolactane two months now for hormonal acne. I used roaccutane before and cleaned my skin for ten years. I've tried the spiro instead, as it's meant to be good for hormonal acne but I can't see any improvement. My skin has dried up loads, but I'm still getting red cystic bumps and I'm so self-conscious I just want it to go! Is anybody on the same boat? I am currently at 100 mg from 50 mg. Rated for Acne Report I began to take Spiro shortly after I was given my DIU of my mirena, since he has progesterone in it, and I was causing him to leave me. That was 10 years ago, I'm 38 now. I'd always started to increase my weight, and I also had breast pain. So much that I went for two mammograms, I was so paranoid. Lol Finally, a few months ago... with Covid and everything, I decided to stop taking it so I wouldn't have to get the recipe. Just to see. 10 years so my hormones have changed I'm sure... so far, my acne hasn't come back. Maybe a few more grains, but nothing important. And all of a sudden, my weight is coming down. I haven't changed anything in my life, except that. So, if you have skin that's not so desirable... I recommend it. But get ready for side effects. Rated for Acne Report So I posted a 5/20 review and said I'd update 12/20 but I'm a little early. So I've been able to lose 10 pounds since I suspended the medication. It took up to August for the weight to start coming down! I actually had to start intermittent fasting. I rarely work and I'm not a health phenomenon. My axill hair grows at an excessive rate, but I'll take that any day than being overweight. As for my acne I am using a topical facial wash from my derm called Sodium Sulfacetamide that keeps my acne at bay. I'm going to follow in May 2021! Good luck and stay safe! Rated for Acne Report I have been suffering from cystic acne since I was 13, and as I improved by when I graduated from high school, I would still have a few spiny ones before my period and red marks would take months to a year to disappear completely. I had tried topical treatments like Aczone and Differin of that kind of help, but my derm prescribed spiro and started taking it at 20. I was nervous at first because I don't like to take medicine if I don't have to, and I already tended to have low blood pressure. I worked up to a dose of 100 mg and during the first three months that you noticed happened. I had to piss so much! But by month 4 I stopped getting the painful cysts. Occasionally I would give myself a normal surface grain but apart from my skin being the best that had been since the 8th grade! Only minor side effects were thirsty, increased urination, and perhaps more headaches (but already tended to get migraines). I was in spiro for six months and started taking birth control instead, but not because spironolactone didn't work! I recommend to anyone who prefers not to go in birth control to give this an attempt first. I didn't have weight gain (I lost water weight if anything) and a general positive experienceClosed for the Premenstrual Syndrome Report Instarted to take Aldactone for facial hair and acne. A problem I've had since I was a teenager. At 19 I was removed from an ovarian tumor and diagnosed with PCOS, I was always in birth control and antibiotics until I decided to have children. I also stopped taking contraceptives at a time before I wanted children because it had many side effects. I recently stopped taking Aldactone after a year because my periods were everywhere and very painful, I became in the mood and could have two periods a month or none at all. I also began to notice that my urine smelled and my mensas too. I told my dermatologist I don't want to take it anymore, and for that time, I had the worst acne buds of my life. I started using Retin A and really improved my skin in generalRated for Acne Report I've been taking this for almost 2 years for acne. I started with 100 mg/day along with doxycycline. Between the two, my face cleared immediately. I stopped taking the doxy about 6 months ago and my face is still completely clear - I don't think I had a single grain. However, I will say that there are side effects. I was diagnosed with gingivitis for the first time and you look and one of the side effects is bleeding gums. Plus, the libido definitely down. So it's amazing for clear skin, but the fog of the brain you feel, as well as some of the other side effects may not be worth it. I'm thirsty all the time. I drink a gallon of water if day and I still thirst. The gin also told me that unless it's in birth control it probably shouldn't be in this because if there's an accidental pregnancy and it's a child that will cause development problems. So, I'm deciding to stop him and I'm sure the acne will come back. Right now I have a beautiful skin so I'll miss that. If this is a last resort for you, it will clear up, however I think there are other options with less side effects. Rated for Acne Report I started taking spiro a month ago and a week 1 I felt dizzy, headache that won't stop, depression, anxiety. This medication did not agree with me, plus I gained weight in week 2 and cellulotes all over my body even on my back that your rare, as healthy and work every day of the week, I have been out of breath for 1 week and the weight will not go out despite all the exercise and strict diet, can someone tell me if the weight will eventually come out or is a permanent side effect? I read in some reviews that cannot be irreversible, I could cry:(Rated for Acne Report I started taking this medication because of a very painful cystic acne around my jaw line. I was told that between this medication and my birth control (gianvi) would really help but my bad acne to rest. I'll say I have the skin clearer since I take this combination. Like my skin was amazing. However, I have been super fatigued, light, forgotten, head of light and EXHAUSTED. I really thought this was because of the state of our world but now that I see what others have said, I think this medicine could be the culprit! Not to mention that I've had WEIGHT GAIN like 10-15 pounds and I don't feel well with myself. Hard work and a fairly clean diet. Any advice on how to get this medicine in a safe way? I'll follow the changes. I hope to see a positive change. Rated for Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) Report I took this medication for five years. I felt very uncomfortable with my weight gain, muscle weakness, cramps, low blood pressure, heavy breathing and low mood feelings. But I couldn't relate the results to this medication. But he was the real culprit. Stop describing this... Please. Don't take this. It can reduce your hair growth, but or can end anywhere ....About the A-ZDrugs A-Z drugs provides information about all-day health drugs and our partners, as well as the ratings of our members, all in one place. Cerner MultumTM provides data within some of the Basics tabs, Side Effects, Interactions and Dosage tabs. Information within the tabs Reviews and FAQs is patented to Health of All Days. 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The information on drugs above is an informative resource designed to help the health professionals who are licensed to care for their patients and/or serve consumers by seeing this service as a supplement, not a substitute, of the experience, skill, knowledge and judgment of health professionals. The absence of a warning for a particular drug or drug combination should not be interpreted to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, effective or appropriate for any patient. Neither daily health nor its licensor assumes any responsibility for any aspect of health administered with the help of the information provided. The information contained in this document is not intended to cover all possible uses, addresses, precautions, warnings, interactions with medicines, allergic reactions or adverse effects. If you have any questions about the medications you are taking, consult your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.

User reviews for Spironolactone to treat Hirsutism Also known as: Aldactone, CaroSpir Spironolactone has an average score of 6.6 out of 10 out of a total of 48 ratings for the treatment of Hirsutism. 54% of users who reviewed Spironolactone reported a positive effect, while 27% reported a negative effect. Spironolactone Rating Summary6.648 reviews of 49 user reviews. Compare all 6 medicines used in the . 10 27% 9 21% 8 6% 7 13% 6 0% 5 4% 4 2% 3 4% 2 4% 1 19% Comments for Spironolactone "I've been in spironolactone for more than two weeks and I absolutely love it! My endocrinologist had put me on it because of my acne and unwanted hair that grew all because of my PCOS. A 25mg two pills a day, it has been a total and 100% lifeguard! In fact I have the highest level of confidence now and also help with high blood pressure! Run on both sides of my parents and knowing this helps, it's just a bonus added! I couldn't be happier with this selection! I know everyone is different and reacts differently to medications, but this has been a total game change for me. Especially 30 years old! I don't feel much dizziness or drowsiness, yet diarrhea comes and goes. But, however, I would recommend this to anyone who is experiencing horrible acne. " 10 "I had taken spironolactone(100mg) for 6 months before 5 years for hirsutism. I have a positive result for hirsutism, but I didn't get much of its side effects. For a few months I noticed that my facial hair growth increased again and I also have experience in an irregular period. So I took it 15 days ago. But this time I'm experiencing a lot of side effects. Like, breathing problems, diarrhea, poor swing mood, feeling uncomfortable for walking, abdominal pain, headache, vibration in the body parts! I knew it was the only effective medicine for hirsutism. But this time my body doesn't fit with it. So I feel so worried about that. Because this situation with too much facial hair is finishing me! After all, I agree that your medication really effective for PCOS with hirhistism. " 7 I've been in spironolactone for many, many years, 100 mg. It seems to me that it doesn't work anymore by diminishing my facial hair. " 3 FAQs "I am 25, 5ft4 and weigh 15stone. I have PCOS and I do the excess growth of the hair with all the combined things has been horrible. My last resort was Spironolactone. The first week or so it definitely pissed me off, especially when it got up, etc. I've been on this tablet for 3 and a half months now and I can see 100% the difference. My black facial hair is almost blond now. I'm on an 800cal diet and I've lost 3 stone since I started this (it was 17stone). I think weight loss and medication are helping this. I'm so happy to be honest. " 9 "I have taken spironolactone for almost 3 years and have been very pleased with its effect on my hirsutism. I used to whiten my facial hair regularly and had dark hair in my arms. Now the fine hair on my face is blond and hardly noticeable and the hair on the arm is very light and thinner. " 9 "I've been using spirolatone for almost a year for facial hair. I started at 25 mg, I increased to 50 mg and noticed that the darkness is leaving. The increase to 100 mg and the thickness is gone. Now I'm taking 200 mg and it's amazing! I have passed through Electrolosis, laser, breakage and now waxed. I was waxing every week, now I can go two weeks. Even the hair on my arm is lighter. I told my doctor it's a miraculous medicine. I recommend everyone to try ..." 10 "I've been at 100 mg for about 3 months. I haven't had any negative side effects. I rarely get that blurry feeling, like when you have low blood sugar; only if I'm dehydrated or I get up fast. I already drank a lot of water, so I haven't noticed a change in my water intake or I need to use the bathroom. Buuuuut I haven't seen any benefits yet! My body hair is the same, facial hair is the same, skin equal. I'm not sure if I'm going to go to 200 mg or get out of it. I'll update on a later date with something new. " 1 More questions "My GYN put me in spironolactone to try to clarify my acne and excess body hair. My acne has improved a little, and I no longer have hair on my chin. I still have hair in the abdomen and thighs, but I've only been in spironolactone for six months. So far, I think it's great. " 10 "I've been using this medication for about 1 month, my doctor gave it to me for excessive facial hair. Since I've been taking it. I noticed that the hair grows slower and is lighter and not as a course as before but being patient takes a little time to see results and I think it will be improved with continued use. I did not experience bad side effects with him, in fact also suffer from adult acne " I have tried everything I could find to treat and nothing worked, but I have not had new shoots after a month and am excited with the results I am receiving. I would recommend it to anyone with facial hair problems! " 8 "Started Spiro 2 weeks ago. I'm already noticeing a high difference in facial hair growth. I was getting more than 200 hairs at night and I didn't get half the hair. The side effect of stomach pain has had some serious moments, but I'm told it will happen soon. The shame of facial hair and the scarring of thick hairs has prevented me from socializing and made me a home mouse. I'm excited to see results after just 2 weeks and I'm sure time will continue to improve the condition. " 10 "I started taking spirolactone about 10 months ago for PCOS, hirsutism, and to lower my free testosterone was at 11. Initial dose 25 mg twice a day for 4 months = free testosterone less than 8.5. The doctor increases the dose 50 mg twice a day for 6 months = Free testosterone is 7.9, slightly less facial hair, facial skin is clear and smooth (previously had orange skin skin), slightly less fat too, without weight gain. The doctor has increased the dose to 100 mg twice a day to keep lowering the testosterone free and I hope it's less hairy. It will publish the update in 6 months. " 7 "I've been in spironolatone for full facial hair growth with hair thinning on my edges. I take 200 milligrams a day. One hundred in the morning and one in the evening. It took about three months to work but significantly reduced facial hair. I used to shave every day, but now I just got a few hairs in my chin. Excessive burns are gone and I know more time has to shave and my edges are no longer thinning. They're full and they're still growing. I don't have excessive urine but it makes me a little sleepy. I lost the overall weight of the body but the lower size was most of the muscle mass. I won curved hips and my chest grew a cup size or two. The only pill that worked and I've tried everything. Be patient. " 10 "So it has been a week and I suffer with PCOS. Specifically the symptom that hates most is the excess growth of facial hair. I can say that when I was in my doctor's office a week ago I had a full lady's beard. And usually if I ruin it, it'll grow up a week later. So he spent a week in Spironolactone later and had nothing but small problems here and there. I can't believe anyone's ever told me about this medication before for facial hair. I'm impressed. " 9 "I have PCOS and have suffered from thick facial and body hair for years. I recently started to notice male-pattern baldness around my temples and knew it was a hormonal problem, as I was tested for high testosterone. I started to notice results within the days of taking spironolactone, long before I thought. Within a week I just had to shave my face every day more than every day, then every three days. My hairline has stopped turning back and is growing slowly. It's only been three weeks and I'm so happy with the results. I've only had minor side effects. The only one that bothers me is breast tenderness. I had some hot flashes the first week, but they left quickly. Sometimes I'm a little nauseous or heady, but only if I don't drink enough water. Since this is a diuretic, you need to stay at the top of your water consumption and try to drink as much as you can every day. " 9 "They gave me this recipe originally for acne, but I haven't seen much effect there yet... However, he has done wonders for my body hair! I had a super-tick (and spread) happy trail in my stomach, as well as more hair from the short chest. I've only been in Spiro for about 3 weeks, but the results are amazing! The hair is almost invisible, so I'm excited to see how it looks after all pre-medication shavings and thick haircuts are cured. I'm still going to buy a Tria laser to make sure I get rid of as much hair as possible, but the hair is already visibly thinner, and it also takes a lot more to grow. I've had a v-neck for the first time with confidence yesterday! Besides, I haven't had any side effects on this drug! 9 "I started getting facial hair probably 10 years ago. I'm 36 now. I'm so embarrassed and it's getting worse. I find myself out so much and avoiding as much visual contact as I can. My Dr prescribed spironolactone more than a year ago and has not helped. She has increased it " which has not helped either. My left side by my chin has a dark place of me constantly tearing the thick black hairs. I see friends and family looking at him and I'm so uncomfortable that I just want to go home and hide. I've had labs done several times to check my hormone levels and it all comes very well. I need suggestions on another medication to treat and a very good occultor to help hide my area of problem. I'd appreciate any advice. " "I just started taking this medication because I have an excessive growth of facial and body hair. I hope after reading a lot of reviews. @lola29 anyone looking to help with the cover of their dark patches on their face: scrub orange/ocultor red (theGirl has a big/fall one) on their dark patches with a blender of beauty or sponge. This will look strange and dark but cancel the dark patches on your skin. Then cover the orange occultor with a complete cover occultor or foundation (dermacol is amazing!) ... make sure to put it with a powder. He really learned this drag queens trick and makes me feel 100x more comfortable while dealing with this facial hair. I hope it helps someone!!! "I have been taking this medication for a month. I suffer from PCOS and I wear a thick, dark hair on my chin and neck. I've noticed a difference in hair of course. It's lighter and thinner, which is great because it was getting tons of English. The only side effect I've ever had is the fact that this is a diuretic, so I have to constantly urinate. " 9 "I started Spironolactone 3 weeks ago at 100 mg. These last weeks I have experienced nausea, tiredness, headaches and dizziness. Two days ago I passed out and broke my jaw beating him at a counter that fell when I passed out. Now I'm under surgery for my jaw and my teeth are removed. I've never experienced this before. My blood pressure has passed from 120/85 to 85/55 in the last 2 days. Spironolactone has caused me new medical conditions. " 1 "Awful. It's horrible to me. I have a mental illness called border personality disorder that makes me have extremely poor mood regulation and intense rage outbreaks to the boiling point. Spironolactone sharpened this ten times until it blowed people every day over the little dumbest things. He came to the point where I almost had to go back to patients for my mental problems. It was an absolute nightmare during the two weeks I took it, and if you have any mental health diagnosis, I urge you to think twice about spirolactone, or at least to monitor yourself and your verrrry moods carefully. Depression also got a little worse. Oh, and I guess only two weeks of taking isn't long enough to tell if it worked for hirsutism and my hormonal acne, but so far, it didn't do much. " 1 "I started to get hair on my face and knee when I turned 24 years. After that he got worse to the point of having a full beard. Very embarrassing. I did the lazer hair removal that didn't help since they didn't know what was causing growth. I've been taking 100 mg of spirolactane twice a day for about a year. There are fewer hairs of my leg axill hairs etc. It grows at a normal pace now. I still have a fair amount of unwanted hair but it's fine and blonde now instead of black and white. I can grow my chin hair to lock them up without people looking at me like I'm a mutant now so that's a plus. I'll never stop taking these pills and in the end I could see if my doc will get the dose back. " 10 "I am a 31-year-old woman with PCOS, and I have treated with acne and excessive facial hair growth for years. I have been in metformin for about 2 years, which was supposed to help my PCOS symptoms (in addition to being a border diabetic), but I never saw any results until my doctor put me in spironolactone in January 2017. Since then I have been taking a very low dose, only 50 mg once a day, but has done wonders for hair growth! Although I would advise others to wax her facial hair instead of shaving it. When the hair is removed from the follicles, the spiro sharpens its growth. For me, if I close it once a week, when it does growth it becomes just half the thickness as it used to do it and it's not as close as visible. " 10 Aldactone (spironolactone): "I was diagnosed 2 years ago with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and I was prescribed aldactone 50 mg and metformin 500 mg twice a day. It was never normal to take medicine. He jumped for months in a row. The problem started 5-6 months ago when my body hair, side burns, upper lips and chin hair began to increase. Last month I pulled almost 80 very thick hairs out of my chin and had a stupid five- or clock shadow on my upper lip after shaving. I was desperate and I started taking the medicine properly. Trust me, people who aren't even a month, and the undesired hair thickness became a middle and grows very slow. All you have to do is have faith and never lose a tablet. You can really do wonders in your life. " Aldactone (spironolactone):9 "I have never written a review before but since I find such useful criticism that I thought I should return it to the universe. I started taking 25 mg of spironolactone twice a day for about two months for excessive hair growth in my face and for some hormonal acne. I've been taking it along with laser hair extraction and let me say it's been LIFE CHANGING. I'm no longer afraid that someone will stay under me or that my bf will touch my face. I've been released from the chin hair dictator and I'm so grateful. Besides, I've noticed a considerable improvement in my skin. My derm suggests that I get a dose to improve my skin and I won't take 50 mg twice a day. I haven't had any notable side effects! Very advisable" 10 "I could tear hair, go to bed, wake up in the morning and have new hair. The hairs were very thick and thick. This causes dark spots on my jaw. I was ashamed to see people in the face. I went to several doctors over the years. I've been using Spirolactone less than a week with remarkable improvement. I keep looking in the mirror and trying to find the hair. My softer and softer skin. I can't believe I suffered for 30 years and see results so fast. I was afraid to take at first because I take Dilatizem and Benicar. No problem so far. Blood pressure running the same. " 10 "I started taking 50 mg of spironolactone once a day for moderate hirsutism in my chin (up to 30 terminal hairs), and other areas in my body, as well as moderate acne (constant shots). During the first two weeks I had decommissionals and then as a clock, immediately after the 2-week mark, my skin started to clear up. They made me electrolysis and after a single visit, the hairs were no longer terminal in my chin, and most of them did not even grow at all (so basically the few that grew back were like peach, which is the normal and unnameable hair we have all over the body). " 10 "I've been on this drug for about 2 years and I like it a lot! The results vary for different people, but for me hair has grown thinner, lighter and slower in my body. It is not a miraculous pill for me (I still have hirsutism), but it has made me 1000x more comfortable in my body. I've never had hirsutism on my face, so I don't have any comments on that... In any case, this drug takes a long time to start (6 months for me), but I definitely recommend it!" 7 "I am a 27-year-old African-American and have been taking Spiro (100 mg) for Hirtusim off and on for 4 years. I'd leave it because it caused a significant amount of weight loss. He was thin enough to start with weight loss was not something he could tolerate. But when excessive hair growth came back about 6 months later I stayed in another year. Fast forward to 4 years later weight loss is no longer a problem, but I feel the hair on my head is much thinner than before. From January I am thinking of taking Spiro in conjunction with Hairfinity. I'll give you an update at the end of March! Wish me luck, ladies 8Next This information is NOT intended to support any particular medication. While these tests may be useful, they are not a substitute for the experience, knowledge and judgment of health professionals. More information about HirsutismSymptoms and treatments Mayo Clinical reference More about spironolactoneConsumer resources Professional resources Related treatment guidelines Drug status Only required Rx CSA Table* It's not a controlled drug. N/A Loading... History of approval History of drugs in the FDA Loading... WADA Class Anti-Doping Classification Loading..., , , , , , , , , , Mobile Apps The easiest way to find information about drugs, identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personal drug records. Available for Android and iOS devices. SupportAboutTerms " Privacy to Drug.com newsletters for latest drug news, new drug approvals, alerts and updates. Drug.com provides accurate and independent information about more than 24,000 prescription drugs, free-sale medicines and natural products. This material is provided only for educational purposes and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 3 Mar 2021), Cerner MultumTM (updated 1 Mar 2021), ASHP (updated 3 Mar 2021) and others. Ad options

Spironolactone Clears Woman's Acne in 4 Months: Before and After Photos |  Allure
Spironolactone Clears Woman's Acne in 4 Months: Before and After Photos | Allure

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Spironolactone for acne: Complete guide + my experience


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Spironolactone For Acne Reviews | Was it Worth It? | RealSelf
Spironolactone For Acne Reviews | Was it Worth It? | RealSelf

Clearing My Hormonal Acne With Spironolactone | Skin Update #3 - YouTube
Clearing My Hormonal Acne With Spironolactone | Skin Update #3 - YouTube

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Can You Use Spironolactone to Treat Acne? | POPSUGAR Beauty UK

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Figure 4 from Anti-androgenic Therapy Using Oral Spironolactone for Acne Vulgaris in Asians | Semantic Scholar

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Spironolactone Therapy Aventura, FL | Recalcitrant Acne Treatment Aventura, FL

Spironolactone Clears Woman's Acne in 4 Months: Before and After Photos |  Allure
Spironolactone Clears Woman's Acne in 4 Months: Before and After Photos | Allure

Spironolactone for Cystic Acne Treatment- Does it Really Work? - Human  Health Hub
Spironolactone for Cystic Acne Treatment- Does it Really Work? - Human Health Hub

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Finally seeing positive results with Spironolactone! : acne

Spironolactone for Acne reviews, photos, ingredients - MakeupAlley
Spironolactone for Acne reviews, photos, ingredients - MakeupAlley


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FYI: This Was the Best Prescription for My Acne

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Spironolactone for Acne - Does It Work? Reviews & Treatment

Acne Vulgaris: A Patient and Physician's Experience | SpringerLink
Acne Vulgaris: A Patient and Physician's Experience | SpringerLink

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GOOD NEWS GIRLS!- Spironolactone successfully treats acne in pubescent women - Article | ATG

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